Cub-Young Domination Disambiguation
by m3g4p0n1 464 Contributions
Who is dominating and who is submissive?
~cub_domination ~young_domination -dominant_young -submissive_young
Name Tags to Add Tags to Remove
Dominant Cub dominant_cub dominant_young cub
Submissive Cub submissive_cub submissive_young cub
Dominant Young dominant_young young
Submissive Young submissive_young young
Older dom older_dom_younger_sub age_difference
Younger dom younger_dom_older_sub age_difference
Cub Dominating Cub cub_dominating_cub young_dominating_young cub young_on_young
Young Dominating Young young_dominating_young young_on_young
Adult/Cub adult_on_cub adult_on_young age_difference cub
Adult/Young adult_on_young age_difference young

Is the underage character furry or not?

Furry: Cub + young

Not Furry: Young

The cub is dominating or being dominated?

dominant_cub + dominant_young

submissive_cub + submissive_young

The cub is dominating a character of the same age?

Yes: cub_dominating_cub

No: The cub is dominanting someone older than them?

Yes: Is the older character still underage?

Yes: younger_dom_older_sub + cub_dominating_cub + age_difference

No: younger_dom_older_sub + adult_on_cub + adult_on_young + age_difference

No: older_dom_younger_sub + cub_dominating_cub + age_difference