Interation-Donation Drives
by dirtyderg | Unlisted | Deleted 27 Contributions
What kind of drive is it? What are the goals?
~donation_drive ~interaction_drive ~milestone_drive ~support_drive ~like_goal ~vote_goal ~repost_goal ~retweet_goal ~retweet_campaign ~share_goal ~growth_drive ~tf_drive ~weight_gain_drive ~pregnancy_drive
Name Tags to Add Tags to Remove
Drive - Donations donation_drive
Drive - Interactions interaction_drive
Drive - None milestone_drive donation_drive interaction_drive growth_drive tf_drive transformation_drive weight_gain_drive pregnancy_drive
Metric - Donations donation_goal
Metric - Likes like_goal
Metric - Votes vote_goal
Metric - Retweets retweet_goal
Metric - Shares share_goal
Metric - Followers follower_goal
Metric - None like_goal vote_goal repost_goal retweet_goal retweet_campaign share_goal follower_goal

Drive Type Is the post of a donation or interaction drive?

Metric What kind of goal is the OP trying to reach?