Name | Tags to Add | Tags to Remove |
Holding their own knot. | holding_own_knot holding_knot holding_own_penis holding_penis | |
Holding another's knot. | holding_another's_knot knot_grab holding_another's_penis penis_grab | |
Holding their own knot root. | holding_own_knot_root holding_knot_root holding_own_penis holding_penis | |
Holding another's knot root. | holding_another's_knot_root knot_root_grab holding_another's_penis penis_grab | |
Not holding any knots. | holding_knot knot_grab |
Should be pretty straightforward, if a character is holding their own knot, tag holding_own_knot. If a character is holding someone else's knot tag holding_another's_knot. If both apply you should select both options, and if neither apply you should select the third option to remove the holding_knot and knot_grab tags.