Knot disambiguation
by smallgreybird 183 Contributions
Is it a knotted penis or something else?
knot -knotted_penis -knotted_dildo -knotted_tentacle
Name Tags to Add Tags to Remove
Penis knotted_penis
Dildo knotted_dildo
Knotted Equine Penis knotted_equine_penis
Knotted Humanoid Penis knotted_humanoid_penis
Knotted Tapering Penis knotted_tapering_penis
Knotted Feline Penis knotted_feline_penis
Knotted Equine Dildo knotted_equine_dildo
Tentacle knotted_tentacle
Knotted Cetacean Penis knotted_cetacean_penis
No Knot Visible knot

Pick all of the options that apply to the post, and choose "No Knot Visible" when no visible knot is present.