by furrypickle | Unlisted 1017 Contributions
How many chars is it (model_sheet)?
model_sheet -solo -duo -group -zero_pictured
Name Tags to Add Tags to Remove
solo solo solo_focus duo group trio group_sex orgy large_group
duo duo solo group duo_focus trio group_sex orgy large_group
duo solo_focus duo solo_focus duo_focus group solo trio group_sex orgy large_group
group group solo solo_focus duo
group solo_focus group solo_focus solo duo duo_focus
group duo_focus group duo_focus solo solo_focus duo
multiple_images multiple_images
dig media digital_media_(artwork)
color_swatch color_swatch
full-length full-length_portrait

how many chars are in this (model sheet version)? This should be unlisted so mostly just for my own reference: Check for whatever combination of solo, duo, group and the _focus tags fit. Use multiple_images where needed.