Scalie Dragons (young)
by taggin-dragon | Unlisted 1221 Contributions
Virtually all dragons not as tagged furred_dragon or feathered_dragon should be tagged as scalie.
dragon young -scalie -furred_dragon -feathered_dragon -hybrid -goo_dragon -mechanical_dragon -dragon_humanoid
Name Tags to Add Tags to Remove
Scalie scalie
Furred dragon furred_dragon
Feathered dragon feathered_dragon
Goo dragon goo_dragon
Mechanical dragon mechanical_dragon
Dragon humanoid dragon_humanoid
Not a dragon dragon

Add the scalie tag to any dragon with reptilian features. If the dragon looks mammalian, it may be a furred_dragon instead. If it appears avian, it may be a feathered_dragon instead. If it looks reptilian but covered in fur or feathers, it may be tagged as both scalie and furred/feathered. A dragon does not have to have visible scales to be considered scalie.

You may occasionally run into something that cannot be called a dragon under any reasonable definition. A common example is for dragon-type Pokémon such as Goodra to be tagged as dragon despite looking nothing like a dragon. For these cases, the “not a dragon” option is added to remove the tag from the post.

(This is a young-focused version of the scalie dragons project, because I can't find young scalie dragons easily and I want to fix that.)