Character Count Tags (modified)
by sys-yok | Locked 23509 Contributions
How many characters are present in the scene?
-solo -duo -trio -group -zero_pictured -comic
Name Tags to Add Tags to Remove
One solo solo_focus
Two duo duo_focus
Three trio group trio_focus
Four or more group
More than ten group large_group
None zero_pictured

What exactly counts as a character?

Except if the following is true:

Multiple occurrences of a character in a sequence, model sheet, etc are only counted once. For instance, a single character drawn in multiple poses is solo.


2 Comments sys-yok said 4 years ago #32

Is there a way to un-unlist a project? I don't remember why I had this unlisted and don't think there's a reason to keep it this way.

bitWolfy said 4 years ago (edited 4 years ago ) #33

sys-yok said:
Is there a way to un-unlist a project? I don't remember why I had this unlisted and don't think there's a reason to keep it this way.

Just edit the project, and set it to public.

Edit: Just realized that the project is edit-locked 🤦‍♂️
I'll un-unlist it for you.