Dialogue and language
by slyroon | Locked 28971 Contributions
Adding a language that goes with the dialogue
dialogue -english_text -japanese_text -italian_text -korean_text -chinese_text -spanish_text -russian_text -french_text -portuguese_text -tantalog_text -swedish_text -german_text -polish_text -arabic_text -hylian_text -thai_text -irish_text -finnish_text -dutch_text -latin_text -unknown_text -filipino_text -hawaiian_text -estonian_text -hebrew_text -wingdings -pictographics -empty_speech_bubble -flash -webm
Name Tags to Add Tags to Remove
English english_text
Japanese japanese_text
Spanish spanish_text
Korean korean_text
Chinese chinese_text
Russian russian_text
French french_text
Portuguese portuguese_text
Pictographics pictographics
No dialogue dialogue

Add a language that goes with the dialogue

1 Comment deltasomnium said 3 years ago #46

Onomatopoeia too?