Yoshi color tagging
by wandering_spaniel 1531 Contributions
What color is the yoshi?
yoshi -black_yoshi -blue_yoshi -cyan_yoshi -brown_yoshi -green_yoshi -orange_yoshi -pink_yoshi -purple_yoshi -red_yoshi -white_yoshi -yellow_yoshi -monochrome
Name Tags to Add Tags to Remove
Black black_yoshi
Blue blue_yoshi
Cyan/light blue cyan_yoshi
Orange orange_yoshi
Pink pink_yoshi
Purple purple_yoshi
Red red_yoshi
White white_yoshi
Yellow yellow_yoshi
Green green_yoshi

The different yoshi colors have their own species tags. Brown_yoshi didn't fit and needs to be tagged manually.

1 Comment binaryfloof said 11 months ago #61

there also appears to be "grey_yoshi" which isnt included in the minus tags. maybe that counts as "black_yoshi"?