All Projects
Name Description Changes
Leg Count How many legs does this character have? 3128
Posture Tags what is the character's posture? 613
Mistagged Not-Furry Focus Fix `not_furry_focus` mistags 44
Character Count Tags (MLP) How many characters are present in the scene? 9493
Solo-focus Cleanup Untag 'solo_focus' from solo posts. 5549
Sabertooth (Disambiguation) Should be replaced with a more precise tag 190
Pokemorphs Add missing 'pokémorph` tags 812
Non-furry Add missing 'not_furry' tags 706
Taur Humanoid Mix-up Remove mistagged human/humanoid from taurs. 103
Missing Presenting Subtags Add missing subtag(s) to presenting 387
Anthro Humanoid Mix-up Untag humanoid from anthros 892
Missing Detailed Backgrounds Add the missing 'detailed_background' tags 490
Non-mammalian Balls Project for populating the 'non-mammal_balls' tag 4078
Interspecies Tagging Add 'Interspecies' to posts that are missing it 323
Breast Sizes What is the size of the characters' breasts? 677
Non-Ambiguous Gender The gender is not ambiguous if specific genitalia are present 134
Missing Body Types Which body type do the characters fall under? 2426
Solo Focus Solo focus does not apply if only one character is present 1053
Missing Body Types (Pokemon) Which bodytypes do the characters in the image belong to? 66
Mistagged Disembodied Penetration Which category does this image fall under? 236
Disembodied Erections Is the disembodied penis erect or flacid? 464
Character Genders What are the genders of the characters in the picture? 1081
Character Count Tags How many characters are present in the scene? 35565